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Guess what? We don't have any demands. Sounds crazy, right? No demands? Then what are we doing this for? How are we going to get equal rights? How are we going to get justice? How are we going to secure a better education for our youth? How are we going to get better healthcare and better-paying jobs unless we tell them what we want? They must hear and understand our demands! 


We believe that when we present a list of demands what we are saying is that we are depending on a system that is specifically designed to oppress us to somehow, magically, un-oppress us, which will NEVER happen. We are no longer begging the racist Health Care Industry to provide us with better healthcare. We are no longer begging the U.S. Department of Education to provide our children with an education they can use, instead of preparing them for prison. We are no longer begging our racist employers to provide us with employment opportunities. We understand that this country is built on and operates under a white supremacist structure and we refuse to beg them for anything, any longer.  

Guess what, when we do this, the message we're sending is that we can't have any of these freedoms without them being given to us. The message this sends to our oppressors is that they hold all the power and without them, we are doomed. 

This is untrue. The We Are 1 Movement has no demands because we don't need anyone to care for us. We're not wasting our breath asking any politician, police chief, employer, or anyone else for anything. We can take care of ourselves. We are tired of begging for something that they haven't given us in the past four hundred years and will never give us. They love it when we continuously shout out our demands because that shows them that we are still not smart enough to figure it out ourselves. 


We are some of the most talented, creative, resourceful people in the world and to be honest. Most of these businesses would not exist without us. We dominate entertainment, sports, fashion, agriculture, and medicine and some of the most brilliant minds in the world belong to black men, women, and children. Those who aid in this global systematic oppression need us, our culture, and our intelligence.


We can create all of those systems ourselves. We have in the past and we can do it again. We can create our schools, and healthcare systems, and mass-produce anything we need to survive. The We Are 1 Movement has a detailed strategy to do all of the above. We don't need them. So let's work together and create the best world we can for ourselves, our children, and other black men, women, and children across the country.  


Demands.  LOL!



Our Demands

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